How our genes impact our detoxification pathways

myDNA Comprehensive Health Report

I've been doing a bit of DNA testing with clients lately and one of the things that has stood out is that many people (me included) have genetic variations that impact their detoxification pathways.

These gene variations may slow production of detoxification enzymes or reduce the body's ability to metabolise and excrete toxic compounds and chemicals, potentially causing cell damage and increasing our susceptibility to diseases like cancer.

You may be wondering what this has to do with nutrition?

Well… what we eat has a big impact on our toxic load and our body’s ability to detoxify chemicals and toxins. Nutrient deficiencies are also an important contributing factor when it comes to poor detoxification.

Compared to our grandparents’ generation, we are bombarded with significantly more toxins through our constant exposure to chemicals in the environment, food, cosmetics, skin care and cleaning products (to name a few…). I find that a lot of people are shocked when they realise how many chemicals they are putting in, and on, their bodies each day!

We should all be trying to go “low-tox”, but if you have genetic variations affecting your detoxification pathways it is really important to try to reduce your exposure to toxins as much as possible and to eat a nutrient-rich diet that supports healthy detoxification.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

✅ Drink plenty of filtered water to stay hydrated and help to flush toxins out

✅ Eat a diet high in fibre (e.g. whole grains fruit and vegetables) to ensure regular bowel movements (one of the main ways that toxins are excreted from the body!)

✅ Regularly eat antioxidant-rich foods (e.g. berries, leafy greens and nuts) to protect your cells from damage)

✅ Make cruciferous vegetables, garlic and onions part of your daily diet to assist in liver detoxification processes

✅ Drink detoxifying herbal teas like dandelion and ginger

✅ Make sure you eat enough protein in order to provide your body with the enzymes required for healthy detoxification

✅ Carefully wash fresh produce before eating it (or buy organic if that is a viable option for you)

✅ Use natural cosmetics, skin care and cleaning products (avoid any products with parabens, phthalates and synthetic fragrances)

Nutrients that assist with healthy detoxification include B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, sulforaphane (broccoli sprouts) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC).

If you are interested in finding out how your genes may be impacting your biochemical pathways and nutrient requirements, email me at to request a ‘myDNA Comprehensive Health Report’ or visit the website for more information (

See the following blog posts for more information about the benefits of DNA testing:


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