Is your child getting enough protein at breakfast?

Is your child getting enough protein at breakfast?

What do your kids like to eat for breakfast?

If children start their day with the standard Aussie breakfast of Vegemite on toast or a bowl of packaged cereal and milk, chances are they won't be getting enough protein to meet their needs.

Why is it so important for children to have a protein-rich breakfast?

  • protein helps them to concentrate and learn at school

  • protein keeps their mood stable and makes them feel calmer and happier

  • protein helps them to feel full and reduces sugar and carb cravings

To be completely honest, breakfast is an area I sometimes struggle with when it comes to my kids. Weirdly, my picky eater is happy to eat eggs or a smoothie most days but my other two find it hard to eat breakfast as they don't feel hungry in the mornings.

If, like me, you also have kids who struggle to eat breakfast (or who tend to be running late and need a quick option), here are a few ideas:

  • hard-boiled egg

  • bliss balls/protein balls

  • wholegrain toast with quality peanut butter (bonus points for adding hemp seeds on top!)

  • yoghurt topped with nuts or seeds

  • chia pudding (make the night before)

  • a small smoothie made with 1/2 banana, 1/4 cup of berries, protein powder, a few cashew nuts, a spoonful of chia seeds and water or milk (the ingredients can be prepared the night before to save time in the morning)

Some good options for children who are happy to eat a bigger breakfast:

  • eggs in any form - boiled, scrambled, fried or as an omelette (one egg is enough for younger children but older kids will need two)

  • add a spoonful of peanut butter or a handful of nuts and seeds to porridge or overnight oats (made the night before)

  • granola with Greek yoghurt

  • baked beans on toast or a toasted sandwich with baked beans and grated cheese

Protein is super important and it is something I talk about with clients all the time.

In my recent free mini-masterclass, I highlighted some of the signs to look out for to determine if your child may be lacking in protein. If you are interested in finding out more, I recommend checking it out -

Here are a couple of blog posts if you're looking for more breakfast inspiration:


How to create a healthy, energy-boosting salad


Tips from the “Blue Zones”