Non-sandwich / gluten-free lunch box ideas

A couple of years ago, my kids decided that they didn’t want to take sandwiches to school anymore so I had to get a bit creative and think outside the (lunch) box 😉

One of my daughters doesn’t tolerate gluten very well so the non-sandwich lunch box works well for her, especially as it can be hard to make a decent sandwich with gluten-free bread.

If you are in a similar situation, or you'd just like to try something different for your kids’ lunches, check out these non-sandwich (and gluten-free) suggestions.

Each of the lunch boxes contains:

🥚protein ✅

🫔healthy carbohydrates ✅

🍉fruit ✅

🥕vegetables ✅

🍣 good fats ✅

Unfortunately, there is a bit more preparation involved with this type of lunch box so I recommend trying to get organised on a Sunday so you have everything ready to go on Monday morning.

When it comes to gluten-free lunches, bento-style boxes are the best option as it means you can give your kids a selection of separate, smaller nutritious food items, rather than putting everything together in the one container. The lunch boxes I used in the photos are no longer available in Australia but the brand Smash makes something very similar, available at Coles, Woolworths and Big W.

A bit more information about some of the suggestions:

  • If you have the time (and energy), sushi is a great option for a non-sandwich / gluten-free lunch box.

I make sushi for my kids very occasionally (I can’t actually remember when I last did it…) but I find it a bit fiddly and time-consuming so we tend to go for “deconstructed sushi” instead.

My daughters like to put a bit of rice and tuna on top of each piece of seaweed but this can get a bit messy so they may be better off mixing the rice and tuna together and eating it with a fork.

  • In terms of the gluten-free crisp bread and tuna/salmon, my teenagers are happy to take a 95g tin of tuna or salmon in their lunchbox but younger children may struggle with the ring pull so it is better to use a small container.

  • Don't forget to pack a fork! (I've done this so many times I've lost count...🙄)

So, if your child is gluten-free or their lunch box has been coming home with the sandwich uneaten, why not try giving them one of these non-sandwich lunches instead?

And remember, these photos are for inspiration only. It is fine to give your kids the same foods several times during the week, in fact some children prefer that. If I make muffins, my kids get them in their lunchboxes every day until they run out!

Here are links to the recipes used:

If you are looking for more lunch box suggestions, see my blog post -


Gut-healing gummies


Gluten-free banana and blueberry muffins