What does reducing our toxic load have to do with nutrition?

We are exposed to a lot more toxins in our daily lives than previous generations. Chemicals are everywhere – in our food, clothes, cosmetics, skin care, cleaning products and toys.

Unfortunately many of these chemicals are highly toxic and damaging to our health, for example, disrupting our hormones, destroying the good bacteria in our gut and irritating our skin and respiratory systems.

Toxic exposure and nutrition are deeply connected, particularly when it comes to our body's ability to detoxify:

👉 Some people have genetic variations that impact their detoxification pathways, making it harder for their bodies to process and eliminate toxins. The liver, which plays a key role in detoxification, can then become overburdened by an accumulation of environmental pollutants, chemicals and processed foods.

👉 Many people consume diets lacking in essential nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins (e.g. B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E) and minerals (e.g. magnesium and selenium), which are vital for supporting detox processes. Without the proper nutrients, the body struggles to keep up with detoxification, potentially leading to a buildup of harmful substances that can impact overall health.

👉 Poor hydration and low fibre intake, common in modern diets, can slow the elimination of waste through the colon, resulting in prolonged exposure to harmful substances in the digestive tract, and increased burden on the liver and other detoxification organs.

Strategies to reduce your family’s toxic load

⚠️ reduce exposure to chemicals in your food:

- avoid processed foods and chemical additives (colours, flavours and preservatives)

- try to buy organic or spray-free fruit and vegetables, or wash conventionally grown produce thoroughly in water and vinegar (this is particularly important for fruit and vegetables in the "dirty dozen" - https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php)

⚠️ choose natural skin care, cosmetics and nail polish

⚠️ avoid synthetic fragrances in the home, e.g. candles, perfumes, air fresheners (artificial fragrances contain hormone-disrupting phthalates)

⚠️ avoid toxic cleaning products

⚠️ use non-toxic cooking equipment, e.g. cast iron, stainless steel, enamel and ceramic

⚠️ store food in glass or stainless-steel containers

I'm a big believer in making small, sustainable changes. Reducing my family's toxic load has been a gradual journey, and while we're far from perfect, I love knowing that every little change brings us closer to a healthier, lower-tox life 💚


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