Why is fibre so important?

Why should we be eating more fibre?

Role of fibre

Fibre plays many important roles in the body, including:

  • helping us feel full for longer

  • balancing blood sugar

  • lowering cholesterol

  • ensuring regular bowel movements

  • feeding our good gut bacteria

  • helping to reduce high blood pressure

  • reducing the risk of diseases such as bowel cancer, diabetes and heart disease

Why do we need fibre?

How much fibre do we need?

The recommended adult daily fibre intake is 25 to 30g per day but many Australians fall short of this amount.

I regularly see children with constipation in clinic and this is often due to lack of fibre in their diets.

How can we increase our fibre intake?

The best - and easiest - way to boost your fibre intake is to eat more vegetables. Fruit, legumes and whole grains are great sources of fibre too.

How many fibre-rich foods do you eat each day?


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