Which supplement do I prescribe the most in clinic?

Magnesium supplementation can be a game changer for many health issues

Magnesium is hands-down my favourite supplement and I have seen amazing results when I’ve used it to treat my clients in clinic.

I have personally seen significant improvements in clients with the following conditions as a result of targeted magnesium supplementation:

  • hormone imbalance, PMS or perimenopause symptoms

  • constipation

  • anxiety, adrenal fatigue or chronic stress

  • insomnia and poor sleep quality

  • blood sugar dysregulation, insulin resistance or Type 2 diabetes

  • ADHD, mood and behaviour issues

  • muscle cramps

  • migraines and headaches

  • fatigue

  • heart arrhythmias or racing heart

Normally, my preferred approach is to focus on addressing nutrient deficiencies through diet first but this can be difficult when it comes to magnesium due to the fact that our soils are extremely depleted and magnesium is found in foods that many people unfortunately do not seem to like or regularly include in their diets, for example, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish, tofu, nuts and seeds.

A quality magnesium supplement can be a game-changer. Many clients have told me that they really notice if they forget to take it, even for one day, and it is common for clients to continue their magnesium supplement protocol long after they have stopped seeing me for consultations.

For most clients, I prescribe a practitioner-brand supplement that combines a therapeutic dose of magnesium with a high quality multivitamin/multimineral. I choose to do this as I find that combination supplements tend to be more affordable and I prefer to streamline the process so that clients take as few supplements as possible.

I take the same supplement myself so it must be good!

The best forms of magnesium are citrate, glycinate, amino acid chelate and L-threonate. I recommend avoiding magnesium oxide as it is not well absorbed and tends to act more as a laxative.

Please be aware that magnesium oxide is frequently used in retail brand magnesium supplements due to its lower cost. Some brands state that they contain several different forms of magnesium, but if you check the label you will find that they mainly consist of magnesium oxide with very small amounts of some of the better-absorbed forms added in.

Could magnesium be the answer to your health issues?


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