You can’t pour from an empty cup

This one is for the mums!

Struggling with weight gain? Lacking energy? Bit grumpier than usual? Craving sugar, caffeine, carbs, alcohol or salty foods? Feeling wired but tired?


It is common for women to prioritise the needs of their family over their own, especially those of us with children. Long term, it is important that we also remember to look after ourselves in order to minimise adverse health effects.


Our busy lives mean that many of us are living in a constant state of “fight or flight” and over time, this places stress on our adrenal glands and can leave us exhausted and depleted.


Rest assured, this is not another one of those posts telling you to have a relaxing bath or treat yourself to a massage. These are both great things to do but they are not always possible or practical, especially for busy working mums or those at home juggling the demands of toddlers and preschoolers.


The following suggestions apply to all women experiencing ongoing stress and fatigue - not just mums!


✅ Eat an energy-boosting diet that supports the adrenals and thyroid 🥗

▪️ eat within an hour of waking – it is important to always have breakfast, even if it’s just a banana and a handful of nuts or peanut butter on toast

▪️ aim for three meals a day, with a balance of protein, healthy carbohydrates and good fats at each meal

▪️ avoid intermittent fasting as it can increase cortisol levels and put extra stress on the adrenal glands

(note: intermittent fasting can be very helpful for weight loss and overall health but it is not recommended for people experiencing adrenal fatigue)

▪️ focus on eating a balanced diet, including lean proteins, wholegrains, lots of vegetables, healthy fats (e.g. avocado and olive oil) and a small amount of low-sugar fruit (e.g. berries)

▪️ stay away from processed food

▪️ ensure you are properly hydrated - aim for 8 glasses of water each day


✅ Reduce consumption of caffeine by gradually replacing one (or all) of your coffees with herbal tea, green tea or bone broth ☕️ 

In addition to caffeine being a stimulant, it also causes the adrenal glands to release cortisol. Consuming excessive amounts of caffeine can overwork the adrenal glands leading to adrenal fatigue.

✅ Aim for 7 – 8 hours quality sleep a night 😴

I know this is a tricky one. I clearly remember the sleep deprivation when we had young kids (none of mine were good sleepers…) so I know how hard it is for some mums to get enough sleep. I have also been guilty of staying up too late after the kids go to bed, just to get a bit of “me time”. While this feels good at the time, I always regret it the next day as it just makes the daily juggle even harder!

✅ Correct nutrient deficiencies with supplements, if required 💊

B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc can be particularly beneficial for women struggling with stress, fatigue, disturbed sleep or mood issues. These nutrients are involved in regulating the stress response and they also help with synthesis of hormones and calming neurotransmitters.

✅ Engage in regular exercise that you enjoy, e.g. walking, yoga, swimming 🧘🏻‍♀️
Avoid intense or high-impact exercise as this increases cortisol levels.


✅ Work on balancing hormones ⚖️ 

Many women in their 40s and 50s are on a bit of a hormonal rollercoaster. This is a big topic that I’ll save for another post but areas to focus on include:

▪️ avoiding toxins as much as possible

▪️ eating a diet that helps the liver to clear excess oestrogen, e.g. cruciferous vegetables, green tea, grapefruit, blueberries, broccoli, nuts and oats

▪️ balancing blood sugar by including protein and healthy fats with every meal, increasing fibre intake and eating low GI foods

✅ Do one thing for yourself every day! 🎵

This can be as simple as drinking a cup of tea outside in the sunshine, eating one or two squares of quality dark chocolate or listening to your favourite song.

Remember: you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself! ❤️

I enjoy working with women of all ages in clinic – from new mums to women going through menopause – and I have had great results in terms of improving energy levels, reducing stress and anxiety, balancing hormones and supporting healthy digestion and immunity.


If you would like help in any of these areas or advice about supplements, I encourage you to book a free Discovery Call or Initial Consultation.


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