6 tips to boost immunity and avoid winter bugs

Keen to improve your immune system and keep your family healthy this winter?

Here are six tips that are sure to help.

1.     Eat the rainbow

Fresh fruit and vegetables are an excellent source of immune-boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is important to have a balance of different coloured fruit and vegetables in your diet as each colour group contains different phytonutrients and has different health benefits. Children often respond well to the concept of “eating the rainbow” so why not create a family challenge and see how many colours you can eat?

Salads and smoothies are a great way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake but they are not always appealing in colder weather so soups or stir fries are a good option too.

2.     Minimise stress

Many people experience stress in their daily lives, whether it be financial stress, emotional stress, work stress or physical stress. Exposure to prolonged or intense stress causes inflammation throughout the body and negatively impacts our immune system function, leaving people run down, exhausted and more susceptible to infections. Some simple strategies to minimise the impact of stress include deep breathing, meditation, going for a short walk in nature, laughing with a friend or watching something funny on TV, and exercise.

3.     Aim for 7-9 hours quality sleep every night

Sleep is the time when our body relaxes, recharges and repairs, and this includes the cells of the immune system. Quality sleep improves the function of T cells, which are important immune cells that fight against pathogens in the body.

4.     Exercise regularly, preferably outdoors

Exercise increases blood and lymph flow throughout the body and this boosts the circulation of immune cells. Moderate exercise three times a week will support the immune system, however it is important not to overdo it as intense exercise places stress on the body and can have the opposite effect!

5.     Supplement with immune-boosting nutrients

Our busy lifestyles and the abundance of convenience foods mean that many people are eating diets lacking in the essential nutrients. Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin A are particularly important for ensuring healthy immunity. I also generally recommend that clients take a quality probiotic to ensure sufficient numbers of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Other immune-boosting nutrients include iron (only supplement if iron-deficiency is confirmed), vitamin E, quercetin and selenium.

Note: it is best to seek advice from a qualified practitioner when purchasing supplements to ensure that that you are taking the correct product and dose for your particular needs.

6.     Avoid processed foods and refined sugar

When we are run down, tired and feeling lousy, it can be tempting to reach for fast food and sugary snack options as they are convenient and comforting. Unfortunately this is one of the worst things we can do if we are coming down with a cold or fighting an infection as processed foods and refined sugar increase inflammation and suppress immune function, making the immune system less effective.

If you think your immunity might need a boost or you would like to check if you and your child are on the right track in terms of diet and lifestyle, please visit www.nourishtothrive.com.au to book a consultation or call 0422 723 855 for more information. 


Creveling M, 2021, Does exercise boost immunity? What to know about working out right now, according to experts, Health, New York, viewed 5 July 2022, https://www.health.com/fitness/does-exercise-boost-immunity

Hechtman L, 2019, Clinical Naturopathic MedicineI (2nd ed), Elsevier, Chatswood.

McManus KD, 2019, Phytonutrients: paint your plate with the colours of the rainbow, Harvard Health Publishing, USA, viewed 5 July 2022, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/phytonutrients-paint-your-plate-with-the-colors-of-the-rainbow-2019042516501

Pratt E, 2019, How sleep strengthens your immune system, Healthline, USA, viewed 5 July 2022, https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-sleep-bolsters-your-immune-system#The-importance-of-T-cells


Immune-boosting foods


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