Healthy time-saving cooking hacks

Life can get busy, but that doesn’t mean healthy eating has to take a back seat.

Try these easy hacks to save time in the kitchen, without compromising on nutrition.

Pre-made salads & pre-cut veggies

My favourite pre-made salad is kaleslaw but I also always have a bag of organic baby spinach or mixed lettuce leaves in the fridge. Spinach features on the EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” list every year so I recommend buying organic if your budget allows.

Slow cooker meals

Toss some protein, vegetables, herbs and broth in a slow cooker in the morning and by the time you get home, you’ll have a delicious, healthy meal ready and waiting for you.

Slow cookers are also great for whipping up double batches of meals. Batch cooking is a huge timesaver and works really well for bolognese sauce, lasagne, curries, chilli con carne, casseroles and stews.

Pre-cooked rice or quinoa

Perfect for those busy weeknights as all you need to do is heat for 90 seconds and it’s ready to go.

Note: I avoid heating any sort of plastic so if I'm using precooked rice, I tip the rice out of the bag and heat it in a china or glass bowl instead.

Frozen fruits & veggies

Frozen fruit and vegetables are great for smoothies, soups or sides and are packed with nutrients, due to being snap frozen at their peak freshness.

Tip: If buying frozen berries, I recommend choosing organic as berries are also “Dirty Dozen” repeat offenders!

Canned beans & lentils

Canned legumes (beans, peas and lentils) are a quick and versatile protein option and can be used in meals instead of meat or as an added protein boost in a meat dish. They are also great in salads.

Hard-boiled eggs in the fridge

Boiled eggs are perfect for snacks or a quick protein boost.

We get through a lot of eggs in our house and I usually boil a few on a Sunday afternoon to use for snacks, sandwiches and salads over the next few days.

Smoothie packs

Pre-pack and freeze your favourite smoothie blends for a quick breakfast.

A popular smoothie in my house is banana and blueberry. Place one chopped banana and a quarter of a cup of frozen blueberries in a container or ziplock bag, along with a tablespoon of chia or hemp seeds. Freeze until needed then add a tablespoon of Greek yogurt and milk of choice before blending until the desired consistency. Delicious!

Roast/BBQ chickens

Roast chicken is a quick protein option that can be shredded for salads, wraps, or sandwiches or used in stir-fries or soups.

When buying a pre-cooked chicken, I recommend choosing an additive-free option (a long ingredients list on the bag can be a red flag). Every now and then, my local supermarket stocks “bare” chickens, which are just roast chicken without any added nasty ingredients.

What’s your go-to hack?


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