Inspiring teenagers to embrace healthy eating!

Getting older kids excited about healthy eating can be a challenge so I thought I'd share a few tips for inspiring them to make better choices.

Help them to see how their food choices directly impact their personal goals.

Emphasise that a nutrient-dense, balanced diet is crucial for achieving their aspirations, while a diet high in sugar and ultra-processed foods can undermine their efforts.

Each child has their own individual goals but here are a few that come up when I work with teenagers in clinic:

- improving their sport performance

- building more muscle

- having clearer skin

- concentrating better at school

- feeling happier / less anxious

- sleeping better

- having better immunity so they don't get sick so often

Set realistic goals together

Work with your child to set achievable health goals, for example, trying to eat protein with every meal (and preferably snack) to help them study for their exams or aiming for 3-4 serves of vegetables per day to help boost their immunity.

Remember: a "baby steps" approach is more sustainable and tends to get better results than trying to completely overhaul their diet in one go!

Involve them in meal planning and cooking

Give your child a sense of ownership by encouraging them to pick out healthy recipes or ingredients that align with their goals. They may like to try out a healthy food trend they have seen on Instagram or TikTok.

Celebrate their progress

Recognise and celebrate their achievements, whether itโ€™s sticking to a healthier diet for a week or reaching a fitness milestone. Positive reinforcement can go a long way!

Lead by example

Show your child that healthy eating is part of your lifestyle too. When they see you enjoying nutritious meals and achieving your own goals, they are likely to be more motivated to give it a go too.

As a mum of three teenagers, these are all strategies I use regularly. Let's help our kids to understand how choosing the right foods can bring them closer to their goals and help them improve their health and wellbeing!


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